List of Articles

Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia. Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2024

J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):9-10.
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Original Articles
“God Always Find a Way”: The Crisis of Civilization and Its Overcoming through the Worldview of Daesoon Jinrihoe
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):13-34.
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Writing Miracles and Denominational Establishment: On the Belief Narratives of Quanzhen Daoism
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):35-54.
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The Ethical Obligations of Humankind towards Animals and Its Implications for Korean Religions: Focusing on Korean Buddhism and Daesoon Thought
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):55-70.
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Messianism in Civilizational History: The Transformation of the Buddhist Messiah via Maitreya
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):71-92.
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Won Buddhism in America: Exploring Ways to Balance Tradition and Innovation
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):93-119.
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Death Cannot be Seen: The Mortuary Rites of a Contemporary Monastic
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):121-142.
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Book Review
David Weiss, The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan’s Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire, London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2022, 245 pp. ISBN: 978-0-3502-7118-0, £90.00 (pbk)
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):145-146.
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Yu-Shuang Yao and Richard Gombrich, Chinese Buddhism Today: Conservatism, Modernism, Syncretism and Enjoying Life on the Buddha's Light Mountain. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing, 2022, 127 pp. ISBN: 978-18-00502314, $80.00 (pbk)
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):147-148.
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C. Pierce Salguero, Buddhish: A Guide to the 20 Most Important Buddhist Ideas for the Curious and Skeptical Mind, Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2022, 175 pp. ISBN: 978-08-07064566, $16.95 (pbk)
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):149-150.
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Elliot Cohen, The Psychologisation of Eastern Spiritual Traditions: Colonisation, Translation, and Commodification. London: Routledge, 2022, 158 pp. ISBN: 978-03-67375362, $37.99 (pbk)
J. Daesoon Thought Relig. East Asia 2024;3(2):151-152.
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